You may never know how inspirational you are for someone else

Today’s Sunshine:

Motivation Quotes:
“A person who inspires is a person
who changes the world in a million ways
they will never know.”
– Sheri Salata
Exciting! Exciting! I have found a new blog that is "perfectly my cup of tea." Sheri Salata. I have added her blog to my list of favorites on the sidebar. Good for a morning read.

This is Sheri's blog. Common Place Grace She is an artist and if you sign up to get on her list she will send you a free image of butterflies.

After reading a couple of her articles I signed up because I did want to be on her list and I "DID" want the free picture. I thought it would be just something to download and print out but she is actually going to mail me one. How fun.

I like Sheri's quote - I think in many ways we are inspired by people who of themselves have no idea how much hope they are bringing to others. And oftentimes the things they do are just everyday actions for them like our mom's (or dad's) washing dishes and cooking us a meal, a neighbor just working in their garden, ordinary people doing ordinary things. It really does not take a lot to be inspirational I think. Just being alive and living the moment. I have been inspired by just seeing someone standing at a bus stop, petting a dog or talking to a child. Daily faithfulness.

Yesterday I was at the hospital with my sister, whose son was seriously ill. While waiting in the ICU I was trying to send a text message and it wouldn't send. Another lady who was also waiting there offered a suggestion as to where I might go to get reception. She was so nice. You know, people like that who are friendly and helpful. Those are the people I find inspirational.

My Fun puzzle:
preview48 pieceInspires
Three Gratitude Moments: (please share yours in the comments!)
1. My nephew is getting better. Spent Wednesday at hospital with my sister.
2. Reading a fun children's book. GOBLINS in the Castle by Bruce Coville
3. Making more Cinnamon cookies. Gave the rest of the first batch away. No complainers.
Guest fun puzzle:
preview90 pieceRavenscroft, Linda The Little Mermaid
Favorite Sites: 
James Clear 

Just for Fun: Memory Match | Waffle | Mahjong |

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Sunshine Moments


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