I need a sleep day

Today’s Sunshine:

Motivation Quotes: James Clear (The science of sleep) - "better sleep is critical for your mental and physical health"

Thoughts: Getting better sleep is something I need to work on. James Clear article has some very interesting facts that I didn't know.

"Insufficient or fragmented sleep can hamper your ability to form both concrete memories (facts and figures) and emotional memories."

"insufficient sleep or abnormal sleep cycles can lead to insulin insensitivity and metabolic syndrome, increasing your risk of diabetes and heart disease."

Today I dragged all day because I did not sleep well. I tried to take mini naps to recover but not the way to have a productive day.

Today's 'What If' Question: What if you could meet any famous person from the past?

My Answer: The problem with these questions is I never have just one answer. Very limiting. But since I don't want to write a book I will pick just one.

And my mind is a blank.

Hmmm. Maybe Helen Keller.

What about you? Any famous person you would like to meet?

My Fun puzzle:
preview48 pieceSwan
Three Gratitude Moments: (please share yours in the comments!)
1.  Bought fresh strawberries!
2.  Took a nap, took another nap
3.  Reading a fun book
Guest fun puzzle:
preview72 piecelittle gardeners
What I most don't want to do today: (please share in the comments)
Cut off dead roses  Yes, I finally did it. Looks better.
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