I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way

This is Post Number One at Sunshine Moments. I have been thinking myself into knots trying to figure out what I wanted to do and finally I got so mad at myself I said, "Dang it! Just do something!"

Last week I read about this very interesting concept from Darren Rowse at ProBlogger about figuring out a niche for creating a blog. I've tried a variety of exercises, writing and mind mapping and everything in between but nothing ever sparkled.

Then I read Darren's post: Accelerate the Growth of Your Blog

Most of this post was actually a transcript from a talk he gave at Social Media Marketing World.

He talks about a lot of different things but this is the Over the Top Super Amazing Insight that has pushed me into the creation of Sunshine Moments.

Basically he said when you are trying to figure out what audience you want to reach and how you want to help - go one step further than just asking yourself the usual questions like
what is my ideal blog reader like?

What are their pains, fears, hopes, etc.?
I have read a lot on this subject in the past. But then Darren said something that resonated much more powerfully with me. He said go one step further in your brain-struggling, mind bending and head scratching.

Create an aftershot.

Ask yourself these questions.
"Who will your reader be after they’ve left your blog?

Even if after one visit, who do you want them to be?

How do you want to have changed them?

Who do you want your reader to have been after a year of traveling with you?

How do you want their life to be different?"
And this is what came to me.
I want to encourage people.

To make them feel a little better, a little happier.

And most of all I want to create a space where the gift of friendship is nurtured and encouraged to grow.
Because when push comes to shove - their is no greater gift we can give one another than the gift of friendship.

Have a wonderful day.
