What will the day bring?

I have been blogging for a long time. Since 1998 actually when I started with a daily message from my e card site. Since that time I have shared things small and large with a small group of friends - some of who (you know who you are - smile) have followed me through many life changing events.

When I first started, blogging was a relatively new concept. A sort of simple sharing that didn't require a lot of tricks to the trade. Now there are so many tips, tricks and educated processes to doing it "correctly" that it seems like one needs a degree in it to write a simple post.

Guess what? This blog has all the qualifications to be a failure.

And I don't really care at this point.

I am writing simply because I like to.

That's it.

I'm not sticking to a plan or following a blogging scrip. I'm not writing a free e book to get folks to subscribe or offering a ten week course on something to get someone to share their email address.I'm really, really tired of all that.

I'm simply writing because I like to share my thoughts and see where they go.

Sometimes I end up in a circle from where I started.

This blog for me is sort of like a friendship blog. It doesn't have more of an agenda than that.

Maybe that's enough. Maybe not.

Oh well.

Yesterday I worked on my Excel course. Did over 40 modules which is a lot though they are very short modules. Most of them less than five minutes even with doing the exercises. But I am learning and I like learning new things. Even if I don't use everything I learn I like the process. Sort of like a game. God knows I play enough Solitaire, Majhong and Word Search puzzles to fill at least an hour of my day - so this is sort of like the same thing with a more "legit respectability."

The bottom line is I try to fill my day with as much fun in it as possible. Reading books, watching TV, taking a walk, housework, letting the cat in and out the door, all bits and pieces to a quiet life which I like.

Maybe this is what being sixty-one is like. Just living and loving the day without the need for a bigger agenda.

Whew. Sort of nice.

